Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Reality - I'll take a fairy tale any day....

As I'm writing this post, the family is watching "American Idol". We watched the finale of "The Bachelor" last night. Scan the dial, and you'll find SO many reality shows. Even Food Network (one of my favs) is loaded with them. Ok, I can't get enough of "Ace of Cakes", I admit it.

But when is this love affair with reality shows going to finally peter out? I'm not sure I can take much more! Life is so chock-full of reality that I rather prefer to use my tv time escaping from reality - not rehashing it.

So of course, one might ask why I even bother to watch the reality shows. The truth is that it's a family draw - we have more interesting conversations before, during and after the shows. We all shout "Bus Driver - MOVE....THAT....BUS!" in unison.

Most of our family time is spent doing much more productive (and oftentimes healthy) activities, such as biking, walking, being involved in Little League, soccer, and church activites.

I could go for another round of "Happy Days" and "Laverne & Shirley".

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Jim Burke's Blog

Here is Jim Burke's blog - great info:

Learning in Maine