Thursday, July 24, 2008

MLTI Castine - SmartBoard Rocks!

WOW - Just attended an amazing workshop courtesy of several of my colleagues involved in the MARTI Grant - GREAT Job Martha Thibodeau, Anne Ireland and Jim Burke - it was so much fun to learn about the SmartBoard and what can be done with it.

I'm so excited about our new SmartBoard, which will be arriving in Sanford later this summer. I have used a SmartBoard in York teaching enrichment computer classes, but had no idea of the possibilities (which are endless!). I will be sharing some SmartBoard links below - and you now know what I'll be doing with the rest of my summer. If anyone has links to share, please do so!

Will have more to share from this wonderful conference - keep enjoying summer.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Summertime Blues...

It's not easy to keep students of any age engaged during the summer months. I'm finding (again) this summer that one has to really be on one's toes to keep them in class until that magical August 20th date rolls around.

It's much easier when teaching a computer class than when teaching something like Accounting or Algebra. I subbed for a colleague yesterday in Algebra I, and you have to give those students a hand for not only putting in class time, but also homework and study-for-tests time.

Today in Computer Literacy and Computer Applications, I experienced my first absentees of the summer. One class missed is not a tragedy - YET. But we have a strict attendance policy, and I'm having an internal debate about personally contacting the Missing Three to be certain they return next Monday.

The "ayes" have it - I'll eat, sleep and be merry better this long holiday weekend if I call each student who missed class today, and let them know I look forward to seeing him/her next Monday. Yes, it's Adult Ed...but the occasional extra step can really make a difference.

What do you think?